This is pretty much your standard club civilization. Hunt and iron for massing, cheap ranged towers, cit speed for running around. I prefer to use Siege cost reduction over cit HP because if you play with people that aren't half retarded, the game will be extended and that cost reduction really comes in handy when pushing into the enemy, believe me. Also, I believe if you don't take pop cap in a 4v4 you are rather foolish since you're the one that has to have the army and you're going to need plenty of cits to keep up with epoching.
Citizens & Fishing Boats
20% Speed
Civ - Bldgs, Walls, & Towers
15% Cost Reduction
20% Range
Civ - Economy
20% Hunting and Foraging
15% Iron Mining
Civ - General
15% Pop Cap
Infantry - Sword
25% Attack
20% Cost Reduction
20% Hit Points
20% Speed
Siege Weapons & Mobile AA
20% Cost Reduction
20% Range
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