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  •  Pre 2 Nano SH - 4v4 Wing    
    This is pretty much your standard club civilization. Hunt and iron for massing, cheap ranged towers, cit speed for running around. I prefer to use Siege cost reduction over cit HP because if you play with people that aren't half retarded, the game will be extended and that cost reduction really comes in handy when pushing into the enemy, believe me. Also, I believe if you don't take pop cap in a 4v4 you are rather foolish since you're the one that has to have the army and you're going to need plenty of cits to keep up with epoching.

    Citizens & Fishing Boats
      20% Speed

    Civ - Bldgs, Walls, & Towers
      15% Cost Reduction
      20% Range

    Civ - Economy
      20% Hunting and Foraging
      15% Iron Mining

    Civ - General
      15% Pop Cap

    Infantry - Sword
      25% Attack
      20% Cost Reduction
      20% Hit Points
      20% Speed

    Siege Weapons & Mobile AA
      20% Cost Reduction
      20% Range
    57 B
    0 • 199

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  •  Pre 2 Nano SH - 4v4 Pocket    
    Really the only difference between this and my wing civ is swap club bonuses for spears, swap iron mining for farming, and add bomber speed. I prefer to help my wing tower and push with siege, so that's why I leave those bonuses in. As a pocket, you should be the one getting siege first anyway. I wouldn't consider taking cit HP over siege cost reduction solely because of the huge factor siege cost reduction has for a pocket.

    I leave iron out because you shouldn't be making a TON of spears. You make a sizable army to defend (since spears get dominated by towers) and try to lose the least amount of units as possible. Farming really lets your economy take off once you hit Copper and in the long run you'll have a tad more pop space for army since you'll need less cits on farms, and you should be able to get your mines populated to 50 citizens faster.

    Aircraft - Bombers
      20% Speed
    Citizens & Fishing Boats
      20% Speed
    Civ - Bldgs, Walls, & Towers
      15% Cost Reduction
      20% Range
    Civ - Economy
      20% Farming
      20% Hunting and Foraging
    Civ - General
      15% Pop Cap
    Infantry - Spear (Melee)
      25% Attack
      20% Cost Reduction
      20% Hit Points
      20% Speed
    Siege Weapons & Mobile AA
      20% Cost Reduction
      20% Range
    61 B
    0 • 141

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  •  Mid SH - Cav Archers Mass w/ Ballista Range    
    This civ is good for getting lots of CA, really quick. There's no building cost reduction/cit hp/tower attack, so it won't fair as well against a sword rush as other civs and therefore making it best as a pocket civ.

    Cavalry - Ranged
      20% Attack
      30% Build Time Decrease
      20% Cost Reduction
      20% Range
      20% Speed
    Citizens & Fishing Boats
      30% Attack
    Civ - Economy
      15% Gold Mining
      15% Wood Cutting
    Field Cannon & Anti-Tank Guns
      20% Range
    45 B
    0 • 288

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  •  Indy SH - Pocket Dragoons (Bitches on Roids)    
    This is the civ you use at pocket when you know your wing (as grens) will put some serious butt-hurt on the other wing, and when your opponents aren't willing to take the risk of going double grens.

    Bonuses in civ make "super goons" aka "Bitches on Roids" which can actually handle grens without attack bonus in civ early in the game, so long as you upgrade range quick. Also good for effortlessly control walking into enemy pockets who mix imps and goons.

    Imp armor and BTD is just to make one and rush wing with at start, or your backup plan if your wing needs a meat shield.

    If you're ballsy, you can use this in 1v1 and go straight goons. Rush hard and kills lots of cits, or if they imp rush you then sit back and do a quick mass so you can walk into their base and mow them down.

    Cavalry - Ranged
      20% Attack
      30% Build Time Decrease
      20% Cost Reduction
      25% Hit Points
      20% Range
    Cavalry - Sword
      20% Armor
      30% Build Time Decrease
    Citizens & Fishing Boats
      30% Attack
    Civ - Economy
      15% Gold Mining
      20% Hunting and Foraging
    49 B
    0 • 77

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  •  My Mid SH Civ-Package    
    The Civpackage I use for Middle Ages on aoc. Also all civ's got a 4v4 verson with popcap and other stuff thats better for 4v4.

    In game they are all showed as Middle Ages, but in ur folder they are organized as 1 sword 2 cav 3 knight.
    2.19 KiB
    0 • 317

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  •  My P2S Civpackage    
    8 of the P2S-civs I've had most success with.
    In game they are all shown as Pre2Space, but in your folder their organized with example: -a1ClubMass.
    1.05 KiB
    0 • 118

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  •  [Outdated]Arntzen's EEC Civs   05.04.2013 
    So I decided to upload the civilizations I'm using at the moment. This is a EEC Civ Package 2.0 if you will. Go to topic for more information about the civs.

    BTW I'm posting this in SH-category so people can reply to the topic.
    2.83 KiB
    0 • 191

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  •  Arntzen's AOC Civs   06.04.2013 
    So I decided to upload the civilizations I'm using at the moment. Go to topic for more information about the civs.

    BTW I'm posting this in SH-category so people can reply to the topic.
    3.22 KiB
    0 • 122

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    71 B
    0 • 0

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  •  Civs for Cody    
    609 B
    0 • 29

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