the life of a noob

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the life of a noob

Post by Fraktardo »

The life of a noob is a life like many others

That is to say, it shares certain superficial and common attributes,

But is also completely different, entirely unique in its own peculiar fashion.

It is a life filled with and dominated by destiny.

For a noob is born with only one purpose,

Which is to live and die true and faithful to the form of noob.

Closest to the pure image of the ideal ur-noob, which may exist only in the mind;

A floating specter, touching upon the divine, but imprinted on the mortal soul.

A noob answers only one call, and follows only one path.

Staring fate dead in the eye a noob unflichingly faces

The desire of the cosmic and incomprehensible force

Of an intelligence impossibly far beyond our ken, which permeates through every fiber of the universe

At which's unknowable and mysterious pleasure he was placed upon this earth.

Bowing to and at once rejoicing in the station for which he is made

The noob feels ever present the one great truth which decides and reveals his destiny

He is resolved to manifest his noobdom with heart and soul

Obliterating every falsity which may cloud or soil the purity of his single directive.

Noob is noob.

That which is a noob can only be, and being so is the only noob

A facet of the whole of reality which is so permanent and unmovable,

Noob may be that which defines the very existence of everything noob.
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Re: the life of a noob

Post by eeralf_ »

u mean me, interesting!..., but most this case u mean itself?

details... 100 pages of this stuff


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