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Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:35 pm
by Pirlo
The Forum said, I should say "Hey!" so now I will do so:


I'm from Germany and I really like to play Empire Earth.
Because of Samuel and jokbon1 I'm here at this forum. I like it to play in Multiplayer, but I'm still too bad in playing against other users (just call me a noob or bad boon or something)....they are still faster than me. I hope I would be better in the future and somebody can show me some skills or someone can explain me some tactics, tricks or something ;)

Well, in my real life my name is Marco, I'm 22 and I study "urban planning" at university in Detmold (it's in the near of Paderborn/Bielefeld...maybe you know the cities.....Dortmund is also in range but not as near as Paderborn or Bielefeld)

So what can I say now? "We are under attack!!!!" I hope my opponents will hear this sentence more often in the future ;)

so......oh I almost forgot.......I wish you all a merry christmas and soon hopefully a happy new year :) :thumbsupl:

Re: Hey!

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 3:58 pm
by P-51
Play multiplayer as soon as possible. Its the only way to get better.


Re: Hey!

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:37 am
by Pirlo
Thank you :)

Yes I will do so :D I hope it will be much fun and maybe I will die next time in 1 hour instead of 10 minutes after start :D