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moderator kick abuse

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:03 pm
by carlos3.5
This morning I was kicked from the lobby for acting in an inapropriate and irrational manner. Needless to say, I learned my lesson and logged back in; however, once I logged back in lightnessking almost immediately kicked me again. I did not say anything after my first kick to warrant this. This seems to me like abusive conduct. The four lines of text that I saw before being kicked again displays this moderatly well.

--> Lightnessking: my turn?

Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:11 pm
by Ghost
So maybe whatever you did warranted two kicks and not just one, and not a mute. Things like that are at moderators' discretion. I don't know the context of the situation so I'm not going to act on this alone. I'd hardly consider two consecutive kicks abusive.

Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:58 am
by lightnessking.
Next time listen to a warning given by a moderator and such things won't happen ;- ).


Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:26 am
by Captain Nemo
The comment given by tricky tho, says it all. Lightness lives up to my critique of not taking his mod powers seriously, and it may just be a harmless kick but it's the attitude, it's unprofessional. You're given power in the lobby and u better handle it with respect, and not throw in comments like "my turn". His comment here in the thread shows the exact same thing again. Ghost is being serious and professional about this as he should, whereas lightness sees it all as a big joke. I don't have anything against lightness, but he does in no way act as a responsible mod in my eyes.

Edit: On a sidenote I don't know the context either but this is just how it looks like from the ignorant observer, and Im sure lightness can come up with something that totally closes this case. But when u just surf around the forum and suddenly see this u're thinking WTF!?!! Cause case wasn't closed by lightness in the first post as it should have been

Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:10 am
by lightnessking.
How exactly am I not taking this serious? He refused my warning in the chat, and after that he refused an official warning made with the "warning function". After that he also throws words at me where I maybe should have muted him for but I didn't.

And how is my comment in this thread showing I'm not taking this serious? If he listens to a warning, it won't happen. I don't see how I'm being unserious besides I'm using a smiley and ending with peace, but if we are not allowed to use smileys or ending with peace I don't see how any moderators are still being a moderator.

Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:36 am
by Captain Nemo
It's not serious for various reasons. He made an official complaint about u, yet u respond to the topic with something intern between u two. That is not explaining yourself, which he asked for.

Your comment here can easially be seen as "do as I say and we'll be fine", and it kinda makes u come off as the big man, without u actually explaining the double kick. You could go in the direction of saying what u did warrented a double kick. You simply can't just say listen to a warning and this wont happen. Well what is to say next time he gets a 2 week mute (which might be fine, thats not the point) he goes on the forum asking, hey I know I did something wrong but I don't think it was in the lines of a 2 week mute. Then you as a moderator should handle this complaint and explain yourself to him and to the community why a 2 week mute. (at least I think so, may not be save-ee policy)
This may just be him wanting attention by posting this since 2 kicks really is nothing, but if it was me who was being kicked twice and I saw the comment "my turn" in the lobby I'd be furious. I'd feel like I was being tossed around like a ball by the big bullies.

By the way lightness I mean this in a way of "think about what you do" kinda thing and nothing in the lines of I want u removed, Im sure u do a fine job as mod helping people and keeping the lobby clean, but I just think a tad more professionalism would suit u, in these kind of topics. Like your last post where u pretty much closed the case ;)

Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:59 am
by lightnessking.
Why can't I say that if he listens to a warning, these kind of things won't happen again? This is an offer to prevent him from being kicked again(If he breaks the rules again.), if he agreed with the warning, then none of the 2 kicks would have taken place.

Anyways carlos3.5, I offer you my appologies, if refused I can still follow the guidelines which won't be a 3rd kick, but a long term mute.

Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:47 am
by [-Ts-] Tricky
Maybe my fault a lil bit because light was gonna mute him cant remember what it was over now but i was telling light the things i do to make sure i dont give people 2 weeks mute by being nice and just a simple kick and if they stil behave in same manner sometimes just a quick 5 min time out mute.

Lightness was wrong for second kick and that shouldnt of happened but carlos you complain about this your lucky i didnt let him mute you in first place and showed him not to go down that road.

But carlos maybe he was wrong for second kick atleast your not 2 week muted so in a way this topic wouldnt of even been opened if i let light mute you straight off.

Re: moderator kick abuse

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:20 pm
by Ghost
Lightness, I would take Nemo's criticism in his last post to heart if I was you. He makes some very good points that I probably couldn't say much better. You do need to take this job a bit more seriously. Remember, this is a small community that we're also a part of. We want to be transparent in such a way that everyone can understand the reason for any action... that requires more explaining than you would think.