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Basic Strategy for WW1

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:06 am
by Omega
Source: RobinHood
"Alright well in WW1 there are a couple different options that work very well if played correctly. The first being, wing goes spain and doughboy rushes. Now if you choose spain on wing you must rush very fast and send in the first unit.

The second option as wing is France. With France you want to make Machine Gunners. An important part of both of these is checking your opponents civilization. Because if you are Spain and your opponent picks Spain then odds are he is going to make doughboys aswell and the need to rush first unit isn't as vital. But if you go France and your opponent is Spain then you will want to make a quick tower since your MG rush will not be near the speed of the Spain Doughboy rush.

Ok now for pocket. The pocket has two options aswell. The first is you pick Germany and make tanks, the second being you pick Great Britain and make Anti-Tanks. If you choose Germany you will want to rush with the your wing as soon as you get your first tank.

If you choose Great Britain and go AT then you may want to sit back a little bit and boom some. Also I can not stress enough that as pocket you DO NOT MAKE AIR IN WW1."