Basic Strategy for Dark

For specific strategies that relate only to ligasettings.
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Basic Strategy for Dark

Post by Omega »

Source: Omega at original EE Train Fourm

"The basic strategy for Dark wing is to pick Assyrian Empire and do a hardcore rush with Persian. The rush can be no settle, or with a settle, depending on the map and who you're playing. An alternate wing tactic is to pick England, and no settle rush with that (as England has Gold Mining, Building Cost Reduction, and Persian Cost Reduction, making for a very fast rush). The standard pocket strategy is to make Chariot Archers with Assyrian Empire and to attempt to advance to Middle Age to get Cavalry Archers as soon as possible.

For 1 vs 1, you will want to pick Assyrian Empire and go Persians. If the opposing player starts Chariot Archers, make Cataphracts. You will want to rush quickly, but not as fast as in team games due to the fact you need to be able to have a decent economy and continue Persian production--you should absolutely make it your goal to get a Persian in your opponents base before he gets one in yours, though."

Source: pelle at original EE Train Forum

"The one who's first to get a pers in enemy base mostly wins! Don't kill cits completly. Just hit them once. They will stop working and run away => enemy will have to catch the cits which takes time! While he's catching the cits and trying to get them workign again you hit other cits. Don't forget to look for your base and to boom there."

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