RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

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RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by Omega »

If you arrived here by visiting save-ee.com/patchsteal, you've come to the right place, read on! If you're a regular user of the forums here, this isn't your usual thread so feel free to stop reading now.

Why do I claim "RøK «§»Cobra«§»" stole my patch? It's very simple, as if you are still reading this, you are a GameRanger user and know that he recently released a patch.

This patch is 100% identical to my patch, EE 2.1d, which was released LONG before his patch. Update notes for EE 2.1d can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=1025

You can download a copy of 2.1d yourself (although you have no reason to) by looking on the announcement board of this forum.

If you download and compare the database files in "his" patch to the database files contained in my patch, you will find they are 100% identical. He didn't even attempt to cover his tracks.

With them being identical, it's clear that one of us had to steal the files from the other, and pass them off as our own. It should also be clear from looking around these forums, and looking at the thread where you can download the 2.1d patch from, that I created it, since the 2.1d stuff is FAR older than "his" patch is, and the first patch I created, 2.1, is MUCH older than that.

Hopefully, you are enjoying the 1.1 GR patch. If you have feedback or comments about this patch, please feel free to send me a private message through these forums, make a post in the patches subfourm (make sure to let us know you're talking about the 1.1 GR patch!), or hit me up in the Save-EE lobby if you have that.

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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by devilridermax »

rofl omega trying to steal cobras patch.. nice try

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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by Omega »

Ah, developments!

According to Cobra, he did not steal my files. Instead, inspired by my work, he managed to make the exact same edits that I did. When changing TD and SL, he even managed to be "inspired" to give the exact same resource amounts that I did! Amazing!

After being "inspired" and completing the work, his files turned out, byte for byte, identical to my files.

So, don't think him of as someone who stole my work any more than you'd think someone who took a 10 page paper written by someone else, re-typed it, and put their name on it a plagiarist. Oh wait... Someone who did that plagiarized 100% of 'their' paper...

Well, at least he isn't a complete idiot because he could apparently make the edits himself, and supposedly did! I'll even grant him that much, despite there not being enough evidence to firmly reach that conclusion, because it doesn't matter.

Then again, if you were going to make edits to end up with something identical, why not just fucking steal the file and get it over with? It's way faster, and you're just as much as a thief either way.

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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by taco »

gamerangers where in a predicament where they had alot of cheating(still do) complaining about inbalances. but non of there mods cares, nor did any of there players have any knowlage to b able to do anhything about it.
u must b annoyed. but just take it as a compliment. while half of this community complain, bitch and moan over trival shit. at least the other community(if they are, i havent checked) is putting it to good use.
its clear its urs, we all know it, he just should of shown a little more respect about it. or at least admit its yours probobly woulda went alot smoother, regardless u managed to help more then 1 community of ee. which is good whichever u look at it.

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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by Omega »

Cobra is back at it again, although this time he is actually giving credit, in a way.

Firstly, he took previous patches of mine, and included files from different ones. Basically, he combined the current 1.2 GR patch with the anti-cheating features of the lobby patch. He then edited all sizes of plains maps, basically just changing starting capitol placement distance in relation to the edge of the map.

While I commend Cobra for not taking exclusive credit for this, the fact he attached my name to it and released it as if it were my patch created and released by me as an OFFICIAL equal to my last patch, is somewhat disconcerting. There were obviously much better, more honest ways to go about this, the first of which would have included contacting me about it.

What's especially disturbing about what he has done is that now, after creating a patch compiled from other patches of mine, and releasing it as if it were an official patch from me, he's been hosting the following:
LOL.png (16.51 KiB) Viewed 19863 times
The argument presented, at least by other players who are apparently parroting him, is that I am apparently trying to control all of GameRanger by releasing patches and forcing people to use them, or some other such nonsense. What's especially telling is there wasn't any of this going on before Cobra's '1.3 Omega' was released.

For the record, the ONLY reason I EVER bothered to create a patch for GameRanger is because GameRanger players requested me to do so. The only reason I bothered to update that patch not once, but twice, was again because GameRanger players requested I do so. For the people who wonder why I haven't done anything regarding any patches in several months, it's because catering to the whims of the GR community, or any EE community, is not my #1 priority, and never has been; I was busy, and you'll just have to deal with it if you're upset about it. I have zero interest in "
"controlling" GameRanger at all. I don't even particularly care if people there use my patches or not, or even what those patches contain so long as the people there who are using them are happy with it.

I won't even bother addressing the claim that I am a "retard" or that the GameRanger servers are "not [my] servers". The former doesn't warrant a response bearing in mind the actions of the person making the claim, and the later is obviously apparent to anyone with half a brain--the GameRanger servers are most certainly NOT my servers, hell, they're not even primarily related to Empire Earth.

Finally, I'd like to point what should by now be obvious. I didn't make the installer for the 1.3 patch, as I did not create the 1.3 patch and only created the vast majority of files that went into the patch. As such, everyone who's having issues with installing it or getting it to work properly needs to stop asking me for support, and stop blaming me for the issues. Furthermore, everyone who absolutely hates the fact I released a new patch ought to realize that I didn't actually release this patch by now.


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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by lightnessking. »

Aren't the patches you create law protected or something? Maybe if you can sue him he would stop it :).
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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by CoHellbound »

I bet he's from activision.
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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by CoHellbound »


I thought GR didn't support AOC?
And at least most of them seem to be considering you as patch creator.
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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by SlipKnoT »

Everyone knows and addresses omega as the 1.2 patch creator. The 1.3 issue is ridiulous

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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by lightnessking. »

It's just retarded the fact that omega put so much effort in the patch and some retard stole his patches, combinded them and say "Hey I made a cool patch, all myself!". I think it should be okay if he combinded your patches but saying: "I made all patches into one, but omega created them." (In my opinion tho).
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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by Captain Nemo »

new patch is called omega 1.3. idk whats worse though, stealing somebody's work or putting somebody else's name on your own release. I guess the combination of the two is infact the worst lol.
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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by lightnessking. »

I would accept for example I make a patch version 1 & version 2.

Someone else (in this case cobra) wants a part of version 1 and a part of version 2, making himself a version 3.
But he's saying he did all the work himself, that's the worse part. If he said: "I picked a part of version 1, and a part of version 2 created by *creator*, and i added them together... I think that wouldn't be as worse than saying "I made the patch all myself".
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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by SlipKnoT »

He took bits from both patches, made his own. Put omegas name on it, released it then started flaming omega by saying he wants to control gr.

Wow i had to spell it out for u in spoon feed terms..

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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by Ghost »

It's all just a very sad and pathetic effort to defame Omega, with really no motive other than they don't like each other.
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Re: RøK «§»Cobra«§», the theiving lowlife.

Post by AnonymousMadScriber »

Ode to a thief


I take this time to scribe a couple words,
because this topic is about the smell of turds.
The lowest of the low as the Bible does mention,
a man who would kill to steal his mothers Pension.

Inspired so I am to scribe regarding this thief,
for the power of the pen as ven·geance is my belief.

The deeds of man are uncomprehensible, don`t even try to figure them out,
for karma will play out it`s role in life, even if he don`t know what this is about.

I hope these words sparked a laugh or a smile,
because stealing from friends seems kinda vile.

fuck a bitch, kill a snitch, burn a witch,
Last edited by AnonymousMadScriber on Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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