Locate Player Function

If you have any unique feature requests, post them here! There is already a large to-do list and things will take time to be implemented.
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Locate Player Function

Post by thearseofwar »

Hey Lads,

We've had a few instances now where ppl have been ghosting/cloning or it seems glitching...but it has not been proven because mods were all snoozing away (not saying you can't sleep ;p time zone issue).

Just wondering why you can't put the locate player function as available for all to use on lobby? Why is it just a mod power?

It doesn't seem to me that there is anything especially secret and powerful and oooo all mod about being able to tell who is who and who is where in the games?

Would be helpful for ppl finding their friends, if they are uncertain if they are just afk or in game etc too.

And it would also mean that everyone can actually report a glitcher, cloner etc without hoping a mod will be awake or at the keyboard at the time. lol.

About the only thing that will be lost is smurfing. But then as a rule smurfing is not done to improve the game for everyone else...it's done to mess people around. So no great loss there. lol.

You may have several good reasons for limiting the citizen's power to combat the terror of glitching and cloning...but if not, let us all have the power to know who is actually in our games pls.



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Re: Locate Player Function

Post by Sexacutioner »

its never worked properly when all users are using it constantly, the less that use it the better it works, and when everyone has it then everyone uses it constantly, so the number had to be limited in order for it to work correctly

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Re: Locate Player Function

Post by thearseofwar »

Then at the risk of sounding outrageous...given that glitchers and ghosters and other annoying shitbags are getting away with CRIMES because they are doing their evil little deeds when the mods are all asleep...how about...

...either another look at the code (I know it's easier said than done) to work out why it bugged out with multiple users


...give access to the locate function to myself and a few others that are normally around in EURO times, so that people can't get away with screwing up the game while you guys are catching zzzz's. lol.

Mick, Me, Fly Dance and a few others of the older players that you know can be trusted not to mess around...having access to the locate would solve this problem.

Better still actually dont even say who has the locate function, out of the non mods....just give it to a few others (not necessarily me in that number)...so that the glitchers won't know who has the power and who doesn't...just that they are running a high risk of actually getting properly reported if they carry on with the BS.


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Re: Locate Player Function

Post by Ghost »

Blah blah blah, I'm the programmer, you're not.
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Ghost before you lock the thead at least address the issue.

Post by thearseofwar »

Report this postReply with quoteRe: Locate Player Function
by Ghost » Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:02 pm

Blah blah blah, I'm the programmer, you're not......

I was not out to challenge your sensitive programmers ego on this score. ;p

No one is criticising your lobby, which anyone but well...Jossos (that topical figure) would agree is a great lobby and we are all very thankful for it. Myself included. And it wasn't even an attack on the locate function, which is fine and good, just perhaps a bit too limited in availability (not a programming issue really, more an admin one).

What was the issue, which with your condescension you ignored, was that people have been getting away with glitching and cloning and so on because no mods have been around to use the locate function. If, as the ban posted just now, on Jossos seems to indicate, you don't need to be there to track it and sort things out, great, point that out and its problem solved and I would have said, ty mate, great stuff.

Patronising a poster, who was posting in GOOD FAITH to try and solve an annoying and current issue, as you just did, hardly edifies yourself or clarifies anything.


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Locate Player Function Contiued

Post by Wardog »

I think Arse has a point, but maybe you could make so donnaters who donate a certain amount of money can get the function that way the site gets money, only few people would do it I'd imagine, and if someone really wants to locate, like Arse, then they can consider it a donation to the site with benefits.
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